Villa Lante di Bagnaia


Villa Lante di Bagnaia ligger 20 Km. fra Orte

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Caratteristico borgo alle porte di Viterbo famoso per la villa Lante. Il centro storico, segnalato da una torre cilindrica a presidio dell'antico castello medievale, successiva- mente trasformato in palazzo baronale con elegante loggia, è accessibile attraverso un'unica porta-galleria. Al suo interno si intreccia un meandro di vicoli e piazzette, rallegrate da una fontana pignolesca, che si affacciano sulla valle Pierina creando insospettate atmosfere. La rivoluzione urbanistica dei secoli XV-XVI, favorita da vescovi e cardinali che avevano preso a frequentare la località come residenza estiva, si è conclusa con l'espansione dell'abitato e la realizzazione della villa Lante in uno spazio destinato a riserva di caccia (barco). La costruzione della villa risale alla metà del Cinquecento (forse su disegno del Vignola) per iniziativa del cardinale Giovan Fran- cesco de Gambara, già vescovo di Viterbo. Lavori di completamento e ampliamento si devono al cardinale Peretti-Montalto nei decenni successivi.

La sua architettura costituisce uno dei più mirabili esempi di giardino rinascimentale all'italiana; il ripido pendio, ridotto in cinque terrazze con eleganti fontane unite da geometriche scalee e da altri motivi decorativi, termina in un parterre dal quale si ammira il prospetto delle palazzine che formano le quinte di un simbolico palcoscenico. Per una visione panoramica dell'insieme si consiglia di salire all'ultimo ripiano sul cui sfondo la fontana del Diluvio (ricavata in una roccia avvolta da fitta vegetazione e circondata da due logge dette delle Muse) raccoglie le acque da una sorgente dei colli Cimini, dando origine al tema compositivo svolto nel giardino. L’acqua, seguendo il pendio, forma alcune cascate e alimenta fontane e vasche terminando nel cosiddetto Quadrato. Dalla fontana dei Delfini ha inizio una singolare catena a forma di gambero fino alla sottostante fontana dei Giganti (simboleggiano il Tevere e l'Arno) che precede un'originale vasca, detta tavola del Cardinale. Dalla balaustra della fontana dei Lumini si gode una splendida vista del giardino all'italiana con al centro la fontana del Quadrato, dominata dal gruppo dei Quattro Mori. Le due palazzine presentano all'interno un interessante ciclo di affreschi. In quella di destra ( edificata al tempo del cardinale Gambara nel 1566) i dipinti manieristici della Scuola degli Zuccari e di Antonio Tempesti si distendono su pareti e soffitti con storie mitologiche e religiose, scene di caccia e paesaggi, tra cariatidi e grottesche.

Le decorazioni della loggia (in cui si rileva, come in altri ambienti, la spiccata per- sonalità di Raffaellino da Reggio) raffigurano nella volta, a quattro campate, scene mitologiche, paesaggi con rovine ed altri soggetti; sulle pareti, divise in ampi riquadri da cariatidi monocrome e sovrastate da stemmi cardinalizi, sono raffigurate da sinistra la villa d' Este di Tivoli, la villa Farnese di Caprarola, quella di Capodimonte e la villa Lante di Bagnaia nel suo aspetto originario. Al primo piano è conservato, tra l'altro, un pregevole cartone seicentesco, con giochi di putti, di Giovan Francesco Romanelli, ordinato per l'arazzeria di palazzo Barberini di Roma.

La palazzina Montalto, a sinistra, venne completata intorno al 1590 e decorata agli inizi del Seicento da Agostino Tassi, dal Cavalier d'Arpino e da Orazio Gentileschi. Nella loggia, al piano del giardino, sono raffigurate scene marinaresche e figure allegoriche. Al primo piano notevole il salone maggiore con pregevole soffitto finemente decorato. Fra le numerose fontane sparse nel parco, si ricorda quella monumentale del Pegaso, di fronte all'ingresso da cui si può anche raggiungere il quattrocentesco casino di caccia.



Foto di Villa Lante a Bagnaia

Villa Lante a Bagnaia
villa lante a viterbo bagnaia giochi d'acqua a villa lante fontane a villa lante bagnaia
villa lante a bagnaia vista dall'alto fontane di villa lante villa lante bagnaia


AS VILLA LANTE TO BAGNAIA (Viterbo) IS CAUGHT UP: Villa Lante - Bagnaia (Viterbo) - Via Jacopo Barozzi. From Viterbo - Fiorentina Door - Gramsci Large square, Trieste Tree-lined avenue for 2 km and Tree-lined avenue River for others 2 km until arriving in the Bagnaia fraction. Map and street distance for Villa Lante of Bagnaia in Viterbo.

images of villa lante in bagnaia

INFORMATION ON THE VISITS To VILLA LANTE TO BAGNAIA (Viterbo): Timetables of opening to the visits and prices of tickets - information tel. +39 0761-288008.

images of villa lante in bagnaia

VILLA LANTE - FOUNTAINS OF THE DOLPHINS: The water spray and takes several shapes in Fontana of the Dolphins, a wonderful one with of connected degrading bathtubs from scultorei elements, large masks, goes and reliefs that represent the reign of Neptune and therefore the rappresentazione of the dominion of waters on the Earth during the Deluge.
VILLA LANTE To BAGNAIA FOUNTAINS Of the DELUGE: Fountains of the deluge (or Mount of the Rain) ago to come down its waters between cliffs, caverns and vegetation, from a top that she sends back to an archaic harmony between man and nature that within Lante Villa to symbiotic Bagnaia one finds perfect.

VILLA LANTE To BAGNAIA (VITERBO): Lante villa is one of the greater realizations of the 1500's Italian. To remember in particular way Fountains of the Moors of the Giambologna, the two mansions (Gambara and Montalto) and a spectacular system of the Fountains and water games beyond to a beautiful park. All the Villa (between garden to the Italian and park) occupies the surface of 22 hectares. The extraordinary particularitity of Lante Villa is inborn in the great of the garden regarding the architectonic work in fact the residence double in two small buildings twin (even if constructed in various times) symmetrical regarding the axis centers them of the garden that dominates the entire composition through the water distance.

WATER GEOMETRIES OF VILLA LANTE To BAGNAIA: The water is born from a triumph of geometries designed from evergreen plants and lava stone statues and follows a distance that creates river basins and particular games of water. To signal also a lava stone table with a fresh stream that crosses it in means in order to hold fresh yields and during the meal of the ancient owners. The Garden of Villa Lante is therefore a created and intentional place bewitched from a powerful cardinal in name of the supremacy of the man on the nature. Sluice in a rigorous geometric labyrinth work of architect Jacopo Barozzi from Vignola, Villa Lante was constructed in the second half of the 1500's for wanting of Gambara cardinal, to attacked of a forest already game preserve. The Villa is crossed longitudinally from a stream that gushes out up from the cliff and follows the slope of the land, taking advantage of some the unevenness and joining together them with terraces and the Fontanels until placers in the square of Fountains of the Moors.

VILLA LANTE - FOUNTAINS OF THE MOORS: E' a water mirror that elegant balustrades subdivide in four river basins on which a boat with a putty floats water spray and to the centre a triple circle of culminating bathtubs in the group of the four Moors who resist the coat of arms of Pope Sisto V.

VILLA LANTE - The GARDEN: Since the income embraces the sight of the entire garden. The two symmetrical mansions, to square plant seem not to want to interrupt the water flow, natural element and true protagonist of the Villa, that it comes down with sudden start even if channelled between it makes us of a crustacean in lava stone symbol of Gambara cardinal or collected in Fountains of the Giants picture of the Arno and the Tevere. Villa Lante is found to Bagnaia to single 4 Km. from Viterbo and it is one of the examples more meant you than garden to the Italian, with two mansions and the its wonderful artistic Fountains.

VILLA LANTE - FOUNTAINS Of the CHAIN: a large water amount flows down and comes down tumultuous through Fountains of the Chain, hopping in the envelope wrapped and attached of the crustacean (brand of Gambara Cardinal) like constituting a crystalline water chain and they exit in Fountains of the Giants, representative the rivers Tevere and Arno (that is the good relationships between the papacy of Medical Rome and the family of Florence) is the age of the reason (or Giove), in which the man she is called to fight with its forces in order to dominate the nature in order then to calm in Fountains of the Table (or Table of the Cardinal) like constituting, of shapes and transparencies, one table with crystalline table cloth. The water resumes its race then and goes to water spray in Fontana of the Lumini, like forming many flames of silver-plated candles.

THE CONSTRUCTIONS TO THE INSIDE OF VILLA LANTE: In the plan the construction of the two villas was previewed, but only one was made to construct, in 1566, from card. the Gambara. To the inner conserve wonderful ceilings to boxes, putty and fresh valuable, some representing Villa D' Este, the Palace Farnese of Caprarola, the Palace of Capodimonte and Villa Lante as it was to the origin. The other villa, call Montalto Mansion, for the name of the cardinal who made it to construct, came finished in 1590 with frescoes of several authors and an important decorated ceiling to boxes.
Young cardinal Francisco Gambara, descendant from one noble family born in brescia, thanks to the protection of the Farnese (the mother was the vedova of


images of villa lante in bagnaia

images of villa lante in bagnaia

images of villa lante in bagnaia

Iimages of villa lante in bagnaia

images of villa lante in bagnaia

photo images of villa lante in bagnaia

images of villa lante in bagnaia

Ranuccio Farnese), obtained the title it of Bishop of Bagnaia in 1566 but taken single possession in 1568 and immediately planned the realization of its Lante Villa to Bagnaia demanding to the Farnese the service of their Vignola architect. In the 1573 cardinal it already could reside to you but the jobs continued until 1578 (as it on purpose remembers the date on a fregio of the casino said Gambara Mansion), given of the visit of Gregorio XIII. The architecture of the cottages constructed symmetrically on the clivio to the end of a terraces to the inside of Villa Lante in Bagnaia turns out more elegant and simple much regarding coeve the villa of Este and palace Farnese in Caprarola and it is inspired of the bramantesco model of the Lookout from which Vignola it drew evidently directed inspiration resuming from the previous experience of Caprarola some elements of the Casino of the Barco but leaving much more space the garden that to Bagnaia carries out the protagonist role. The inner decoration came finished in time for the visit of Gregorio XIII in 1578, the program and the direction of the jobs is attributed to Raffaellino from Reggio, already present in the palace Farnese of Caprarola.
This dependency of cardinal the Gambara from the very more powerful Farnese family is emphasized from all the realization of its residence of Bagnaia and returns expressed on the walls of the loggia of the Association of Bologna where is represents landscapes to you of Caprarola with the Farnese palace and the villa of the Barco with to one seen of villa of Este and Lante Villa to Bagnaia.
Thematically tied to this celebration of the families Farnese, Este and Gambara are also the paintings of the time that represent the birth of four constellations second the astronomical conviction of Igino and in relation to the three over name families: over the view of Villa of Este Ercole and the dragone in the garden of the Esperidi it represents the birth of the constellation of the snake; over Farnese palace to Caprarola Orione and the scorpion constellation is both legacies to one; over the Barco Giove it defeats the giants accompanied from the Aquila (an enterprise of the Farnese was constituted from the lightning with which Giove murdered the Giants); finally over Villa Lante Ercole the Idra and with it a granchio reached in aid of the monster (in reference kills the constellation of the cancer but also to the gambero, symbol of the cardinal).
In with therefore the inner decoration of the loggia of Bagnaia it entire seems to be imprinted to the previous models of the drawing-room of Villa of Este and of it knows it of Ercole to Caprarola, but the outside differs for a greater order spaces them that ago hinge on an axis centre emphasized them from one to ollow it self from which comes down the water, from a of marble table and finally from Fountains with great bathtub mails to the centre of the first devised terraced and according to ancient models as small lake rising with island centre them.



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